cameroon gce intermediate level surveys soil mechanics and materials 2

cameroon gce intermediate level surveys soil mechanics and materials 2

cameroon gce intermediate level surveys soil mechanics and materials 2

Question 1
The PTA during their last general assembly adopted a project for the construction of a dining shade in your school.
After the preliminary studies by a locally based company, the use of burnt bricks and stones were adopted for the
walls and foundation respectively. Your professional technology teacher expects you to answer the following
a) Name two types of bricks used in civil engineering. ………………………………………… (3 marks)
b) State two methods by which the strength of a clay brick can be improved. …………… ……. (3 marks)
c) Draw and indicate the following parts of a typical brick (bed, frog, header, stretcher and aris)
(8 marks)
d) Give four qualities of a good building stone………………………………………………….. (4 marks)
e) With the aid of neat sketch show a way in which stones can be arranged in stone wall (label your
(4 marks)
f) In function of their constituents, differentiate between cement and gauge mortar……… …… (4 marks)
Question 2
As student on industrial internship in a building construction site for the realisation of a composite structure in stones,
bricks and concrete, you have been posted to the bricks and mortar manufacturing plant and you have been asked by
team leader to answer the following questions.
a) Briefly explain the following properties of burnt bricks: size and shape, colour, texture and compactness, and
hardness and soundness………………………………………………….…
b) Define the following rock types base on their geological formation: sedimentary rocks, igneous rocks, and
metamorphic rocks…………………………………………………………………………
(6 marks)
c) Explain the following characteristics of a good building stone: appearance, strength, structure, and
(7 marks)
d) State the function of each of the following concrete constituents: cement, coarse aggregates, and
(6 marks)

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