cameroon gce advance level June 2020 history paper 1

cameroon gce advance level June 2020 history paper 1

cameroon gce advance level June 2020 history paper 1

he death of Gawolbc in the 1830s influenced
the migration of:
A Bali.
B Bamileke
C Bafut.
D Gbaya.
1. 8.
A distinct characteristic of the Korn and
Aghem fondoms of the grassland region in the •
19,hcentury was that: * •
A they practised patrilineal succession.
B they practised matrilineal succession.
C they were stateless communities.
D there was the absence of lacked
powerful lineage heads.
The main reason for the failure of the Jihad in
Mandara land before 1847 was:
A lack of unity of the Fulani.
B remoteness of Yola.
C unconducive relief for cavalry warfare.
D the health problems of Adama.
A major contributor to the limited success of
The London Baptist Missionary Society in
Cameroon between 1841 and 1884 was:
A harsh tropical climate and diseases.
B transport and communication difficulties.
C man power shortages and disagreement.
D clash with indigenous culture.
The strongest reasonTor British reluctance to
annex Cameroon in spite of the demand for it
in the 1870s was because:
A she did not want to antagonize Germany.
^ she diseases was .afraid of the harsh tropical
C she was more interested in East Africa.
D she was contented with her trade

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