gce 2021 intermediate level electrical and electronic technology 2
gce 2021 intermediate level electrical and electronic technology 2
Answer any THREE questions from this Section
1. The figures 1A and B below represent two (02) types of head lamp bulbs currently used in modern lighting circuits.
a. Name each type of bulb in figures 1A and 1B (1.5mark×2= 3 marks)
b. Give the role of the Dimmer in figure 1A (1mark)
c. The figures 5C and D below represent two (02) types of indicators implanted in the dash board of a modern vehicle.
i. Name each of the indicators. (1mark×2= 2 marks)
ii. Interprete the following positions (‘C’, ‘H’, ‘E’, ‘F’), referring to the figures 5C and D below.
(1 mark×4= 4marks)
2. Fig 2 below is a type of starter motor drive.
a) State the role of a starter motor. (2 marks)
b) Identify the type of starter motor drive in Fig 1 above. (1 mark)
c) Identify the numbered parts 1, 2,3,4,5 and 6. (3 marks)
d) Give the name of the starter motor element that prevents the engine from driving the starter motor.
(1 mark)
e) Give the function of the solenoid in a pre- engage starter motor. (2 marks)
f) The cable between the battery and the starter motor must be thick and short enough. Give the reason for this (1 mark)