A level north west regional mock gce 2022 biology 1
A level north west regional mock gce 2022 biology 1
1. Spirogyra is a sexually reproducing alga in which
vegetative thallus is haploid. In Spirogyra, meiosis
A. never occurs.
B. occurs at time of gamete production.
C. occurs after fertilization.
D. occurs during vegetative growth.
2. During protein synthesis the main activity that
takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell is
A. Activation of amino acids
B. Translation of mRNA
C. Transamination of amino acids
D. Transcription of DNA.
3. Non-cyclic electron flow in the chloroplast results
in the production of:
A ATP and G3P
C. ATP, NADP and 02
D. ATP only
4. Identify the mammal that chews the cud:
A. Rabbit
B. Guinea pig
C. Rat
D. Sheep
5. The folding of the inner membrane of a
mitochondrion is an adaptation in that:
A. It provides a large surface area for reactions of
electron transport system.
B. It prevents interference between the electron
transport system and Kreb’s cycle.
C. It provides the necessary ATP for endergenic
reactions in the cell.
D. It provides a site for electron transport system.
6. A human eye focuses by
A. relaxing the circular muscles of the iris and
contracting the radial muscles.
B. changing the shape of the lens
C. contracting the circular muscles and relaxing
the radial muscles.
D. changing the thickness of the lens.
7. This statement best defines the Cardiac output
A. The amount of blood pumped by the heart per
B. The total amount of blood pumped by the
heart every second.
C. The systolic and diastolic pressures of the
D. The pressure that the cardiac muscles can
withstand every second.
12. Choose the reagents and color that can give a
positive test for protein
Reagent(s) Color
A. NaOH+CuS04+Sol+Heat Brick red
B. Benedict+Sol+Heat Brick red
C. NaOH+CuS04+Sol Purple
D. Benedict+Sol+Heat GreenJPurpleJBrick red
13. The striations of skeletal muscles are a result of
the patterns of:
A. Actin and myosin filaments.
B. Intercalated discs.
C. The troponin complex.
D. The ATP molecules
14. A mutation in which part of a chromosome is
missing is termed
A. Deletion
B. Duplication
C. Inversion
D. Translocation
15. You are provided with a plant and asked to carry
out an experiment studying photosynthesis
performed during the day, with radioactive Carbon
dioxide 14 C a metabolite tracer. You observe that
the 14 C gets incorporated first into oxaloacetate.
This plant is best characterized as a:
A. C4 plant
B. CAM plant
C. C3 plant
D. Chemoautotroph.
16. The threshold of a neuron is.,._
A. the membrane voltage at which the membrane
potential develops asan action potential.
B. the amount of inhibitory neurotransmitter
required to inhibit an action potential ‘
C. the membrane voltage at which an axon
potential will be suppressed
D. the amount of excitatory neurotransmitter
required to elicit an action potential
8. An essential feature of a competitive inhibitor is
its ability to :
A. Occupy an active site
B. Activate an operator gene
C. Combine with a prosthetic group
D. Modify the substrate
9. The plant hormone that promotes fruit ripening is..
A. giberrellin
B. auxin
C. ethylene
D. cytokinin