A level north west regional mock gce 2022 English Languages 1

A level north west regional mock gce 2022 English Languages 1

A level north west regional mock gce 2022 English Languages 1

. The quarantine paradox means
A. quarantine is complex
& quarantine has both good and
C. quarantine isa difficult and
D. quarantine cannot be effort
– The adverse effects of
passage are exclusively
ntl0ncd m the
isolation, loneliness, and uncertainty 8-^-
B. sexual violence, violence against
violence, and hamtful tradition prac,’“l<l0meStic
C. economic vulnerabilities, gender-based
violence, a breakdown in law substan
and psychological issues
ubstance abuse
D. None of the above
i I
5. The main factor responsible for the
based violence is .
A. pandemics
B. joblessness of women
C. quarantine
D. male backlash resulting from feelings of
emasculation and inadequacy
6. The purpose of this research is to
A. fight against gender-based violence
B. review the connection between gender violence
and COVID-19
C. propose ways to manage gender-based violence
alongside COVID-19
D. create awareness on the increased rate of
violence against women during the outbreak of
‘ In the passage,it is suggested that perpetratorsof
violence against women go unpunished because
upsurge in genderA. the victims are scared of speaking out
B. the victims do not want to suffer stigmatization
C. there is a breakdown in law
D. the law enforcement officers are not aware of
such crimes
8. In paragraph 5, the relationship between male
migration and violence against women is .
A. parallel
B. proportionate
D. disproportionate
9. ‘These, in turn, have been found to be associated with
various forms of gender-based violence.’“These” in
the sentence refers to •
A. coping strategies
B. economic insecurities
C. cases of gender-based violence
D. gender differences
10. The statistics on violence against women and girls
suggest that the occurrence
A. is prevalent
B. seldom occurs
C. occasional
D. sporadic
Source: culled from the internet ( www.undp.ora)
Choose the best answer for each question from the
alternatives A, B, C or D.
1. The practice of quarantine started in
A. The 14,h century
B. 1377 AD
-e. 532 AD.
D. 1980s
2. The word “quarantine” is used in line 1 as a/an
A. noun
B. verb
-Q. adjective
D. adverb

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