A level north west regional mock gce 2022 french 3

A level north west regional mock gce 2022 french 3

A level north west regional mock gce 2022 french 3

1ranslate the following passages from ENGLISH to FRENCH.
a) I EXT I. The growing popularity of fast food restaurants is one of the major causes of the fast
developing rale of type two diabetes. Fruit- , and vegetables should be part of every meal, yet with
fast food serving as many children’s meal, this goal is not yet attained. School lunches also fail to
meet the nutritious needs of children. Poor nutrition is associated with weigh gain. Processed food
should be limited.
b) TEXT II. Studies show that smoking increases the chances of developing type 2 diabetes by
fifteen percent. Being around those who smoke also places children at risk. Diabetes is a lifestyle
disease that can be prevented, especially amongst children. Their blood pressure should be
controlled at all time. The dilemma of children diabetes does not have answers if people would
just reflect on the choices they make regarding their own health.
Traduisez les textes ci-dessous du FRANCAIS en ANGLAIS.
a) TEXT I. Pour vendre ses produits, 1’organisme est en partenariat avec des vendeurs locaux. Lors
dc son installation a la ville principal, celui-ci a embauche de la main d’ceuvre directement sur
place. C’esl aussi pour de bonnes conditions de travail qqe la socidte a optd pour l’innovation. Ce
logiciel a ameliord la vente en cherchant de nouveaux acheteurs potentiels, la gestion des stocks et
chaine de productions simplifies grace aux bons collaborateurs.
b) TEXT II. Dans les operations agricoles Imancees par la banque, la lutte antiparasitaire a
normalement un caractdre integre. El le a fait inlervenir des mdthodes telles que la controle
biologique, les fa?ons cullurales ct la mise au point et I’utilisation des varidtds rdsistantes
toldrantcs. La banque pent financer 1’achntjde pesticides lorsque leur utilisation est justifide d
le cadre d’une strategie de lutte phytosanilaire integrde

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