gce 2022 intermediate level mechanical drawing 1

gce 2022 intermediate level mechanical drawing 1

gce 2022 intermediate level mechanical drawing 1

1. A person who has skills in Technical Drawing
is called :
A Drawer
B Artist
C Draughtsman
D Craftsman
Questions 6 and 7 refer to figure 4 below
2. Identify the type of key represented by the
drawing in figure 1 below
* *
Figure 4
The dimension indicated as x on the A4 paper
shown in figure 4 above has a value of
Figure 1
A Round head key
B Woodruff key
C Parallel key
D Jib head key mi
A 210 mm
B 297 mm
C 420 mm
D 597 mm
Indicate what Y signifies in the drawing paper
in figure 4 above.
The mechanism in figure 2 shows the
meshing of
A Internal line
B Title block
C Border line
D Orientation line
How many of the lower case letters in figure 5
below have the same height as their upper
ease letters ?
Figure 2
A helical gears
B bevel gears
C rack and pinion
D worm and wheel
A8CD aahed
Figure 5
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
Which drawing instrument is shown in figure
3 below ?
Consider the line labelled L in figure 6. What
is the name of the line?
Figure 3
A Set square
B T square
C Compass
D Protractor Figure 6
A Dimension line
B Projection line
C Extension line
D Leader line
The drawing instrument in figure 3 above is
used to draw
A diameters of circles
B horizontal lines
C construction lines
D vertical and inclined lines

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