gce 2022 intermediate level quality hygiene safety and environment 1
gce 2022 intermediate level quality hygiene safety and environment 1
1 .The terms not related to quality arc
A Quality policy
B Quality planning
C Quality system
D Quality quantities 10.Inpolicies an enterprise which, the leadchoice to the of quality maintenance objectives is
done in
A The quality circles
B The brain storming
C The board of managers
D The office of the manager
2.Thc principal standards related to quality arc
A ISO 8402
B ISO 9001-4
C ISO 9000- 01
D ISO 9004-8
1 l .Thc following arc muscle properties, except
A Contractility
B Elasticity
C Conductibility
D Excitability
3.Thc skill used to analyse numerical data in order to
control quality is
A Pareto diagram
B Ishikawa diagram
C Logic diagram
D Affinity diagram 12. One of the following is a vertebral column
A Kyphosis
B Sprain
C Stiff neck
D Dislocation
4.Thc skills used to analyse non numerical data in order to
control quality is
A Histogram
B Brainstorming
C Truth table
D Control cards
13, High blood sugar level causes a nutritional
disease known as
A Obesity
B Infarction
C Diabetes
D Rickets
5.Thc quality component in an enterprise is
A Upkeep
B Default
C Temporally repair
D Reliability 14.Muscle accidents include
A Dislocation
B Fracture
C Elongation
D Scoliosis
6.The exam of product quality, process and
organization done by a standard organization in an
enterprise is called
A A standardisation
B A default notice
C An audit
D An intervention demand
15.One of the follow ing is not a reflex non e centre:
A Spinal cord
B Spinal lube
C Cerebral hemispheres
7.The document issued by a standard organisation to an D Cerebellum
enterprise which observes quality policy and standards
is called
A A congratulation letter
B A diploma
C A contract
D A certification
16.The method for strengthening the immune system
of the body for a long time is called
A Antibiotic therapy
B Grafting
C Vaccine therapy
D Serotherapy
8.The following are methods that enable a
enterprise to succeed in quality objectives, except
A Total Quality Management
B Total Productive Maintenance
C Five zeroes
D Total Quantity Management
17.Thc hormone secreted by the thyroid helps in
A Calcification of Artcria and Veins
B Skeletal Grow th
C The appearance of permanent teeth
D The appearance of secondary sexual
9.0ne of the following elements does not
belong to the * Five zeroes’ method:
A Zero stock