cameroon gce 2023 intermediate level Pattern Making and Garment Construction 1

cameroon gce 2023 intermediate level Pattern Making and Garment Construction 1

cameroon gce 2023 intermediate level Pattern Making and Garment Construction 1

Identify a method of finishing garment without
A Melting
B Overcasting
C Smocking
D Quilting
9. Select a piece of fabric used in the armhole to
ease movement
A Godded
C Gusct
D Patch
2. Select a method of controlling fullness in
A Darts, belt strips
Tucks, pocket
C Tucks darts
D Hemming, pocket
10. Identify a pocket found on “native kaba
A In seam pocket
B Welt pocket
C Patch pocket
D Bound pocket
11. A triangular shape panel of a skirt is called
A Gusset
B Gore
C Godet
D Yoke
3. Another name for warp grain is
A Weft
C Bias
D Selvedge
12. Identify a collar mostly used on children
A Sailor collar
B Peter pan collar
C Shawl collar
D Flat collar
4. Indicate the pattern to be placed first during
pattern lay out
A Sleeve
B Front
C Pocket
D Back 13. Select a method of fullness mostly used on
baby’s dresses
A Pleats
B Gathers
C Frill
D Flounce
5. Which of these element is not found in a block
A Straight grain
B Size
C Indication
D Parts Select a standard measurement for the Bust
distance of size 40 bodice block
A 18
B 15
C 19.5
D 20
Identify a seam mostly used on children
A Simple seam
B Open seam
C French seam
D Folded seam
15. The finished edge of a woven fabric is known
What are the twro things to consider when
A Measurements and style
B Length and design
C Size and fabric
D Fabric and shape
A Border
B Trim
C Ends
D Selvedge
Choose a sleeve cut without the armhole
A Raglan
B Kimono
C Short sleeve
D Set in sleeve

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