cameroon gce O level June 2024 geography 2

cameroon gce O level June 2024 geography 2

cameroon gce O level June 2024 geography 2

This question constitutes 33.3% of the marks in the paper and 21.5% of the marks for the whole subject.
Your are advised to spend about ONE HOUR on this question.
1. Study the ordnance survey map extract of DUFFTOWN ( 1 :50000) provided and answer the questions that follow:
(a) Copy the portion of the map North of northing 36 and east of easting 23 and insert the following.
(i) The hill at grid reference 291372
(ii) The area occupied by woodland
(iii) The road A94 I
(iv) The quarry at grid reference (3324407)
(v) The town of Charlestown
Add a key and a scale ‘ •
(i) Calculate the length of the road B9102
(ii) State the direction and bearing of Charlestown from Dufftown.
(i) From map evidence only describe the site and situation of Dufftown.
(ii) Describe the distribution of road network and vegetation on the map.
(10 marks)
(4 + 3 = 7 marks)
(4 + 9 = 13 marks)
(Total 30 marks)(i) Arrange the components under; Inputs, Process and outputs (Tabulate your answer) »

(ii) Outline THREE reasons why the level of industrialization in developing countries is low. i :

(5 + 3 = 8marks)
(6 marks)

(b) Suggest THREE ways in which,the tourism sector can be made more attractive. –

< i (c) (i) Outline FOUR advantages of HEP over other sources of energy. 5 4 MR M I( 2 + 4 = 6 marks) (Total=20 marks) (ii) State TWO renewable sources of energy. 6. (a) On the outline map of Cameroon provided, locate and name the following (i) One drainage basin (ii) A National Park (iii) An area covered by mangrove forest (iv) The political and economic capitals of Cameroon (v) Belabo-Ngouandere Railway line itA’ ititn P — C + d) (b) (i) Name TWO areas of high population density (ii) For any one of them explain three reasons for the high population density Y!iCIA>i;)o?i;) AAi/:u? s

(2 + 6 = 8 marks)

(c) What efforts are being made by the government of Cameroon to emerge by 2035 in the domain of

(Total=20 marks)

(a) On the outline map of Cameroon provided, locate and name ,
– A rubber plantation
-The central Industrial region
– One inland fishing ground
– Mount Cameroon
– any one dam
(b) (i) Name THREE forest resources
(ii) Briefly describe FOUR ways by which forest resources can be conserved

t L.r«iT » (Total = 20 marks)

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