cameroon gce O level June 2024 history 1

cameroon gce O level June 2024 history 1

cameroon gce O level June 2024 history 1

Which of the following countries had
firms on the Cameroon coast by 1870?
A Germany
B France
C Britain
D Portugal
7. Under which German Governor was the
Capital of Cameroon moved from Douala
to Buea?
A Von Puttkamer
B Von Soden
C Theodore Seitz
D Karl Eberrmaier
o The letter to Queen Victoria of Britain
requesting the annexation of Cameroon in
August 1879 was signed by …
A Chief Atangana of Yaounde
B Fon Galega 1 of Bali
C Sultan Njoya of Foumban
D King Akwa of Douala
Anti German revolts in Cameroon associated
with the abolition of Sasswood poison as
detector against witchcraft was staged by…
A Bangwa
B Nso
C Douala
D Bakweri
Our wishes are that white men should not go
and trade with the Bushmen. They must stay
here in this river and they give us trust so that
we will trade with our bushmen.”
Which of the following Cameroonian rulers
signed the document from which this extract is
A King Bell of Douala
B King William of Bimbia
C King Pass All of Malimba
D King Njoya of Bamum
An economic innovation introduced by the
German administration was the…
A construction of the Bismarck’s fountain
B establishment of the police force
C construction of the Schloss in
D establishment of commercial plantations
The French Forces actively took part in all the
following battles in Cameroon between 1914
and 1916 Except the battle of…
A Yaounde
B Nsanakang
C Douala
D Mora
4. A peaceful reaction against the German
annexation of Cameroon was from the people
of . . .
A Bell town
B Hickory town
C Joss town
D Akwa town
A political effect of the First World War on
the people of Cameroon by 1922 was …
.Territorial losses to French Equatorial
B Loss of jobs in the colonial
administration v
C Disruption of German plantation work
D Introduction of the English and French
– languages
Which traditional ruler represented the
Cameroon Province in the Nigerian
Legislative Council in 1942?
A Chief Manga Williams of Victoria
B Fon Achirimbi of Bafut
C Chief Mukete of Kumba
D Fon Galega II of Bali
1 1.
“We give this day our rights of sovereignty
legislation and management to German firms”
This is an extract of a Treaty signed in …
A 1882
B 1884
C 1885
D 1890
Identify the non- peaceful method used by the
Germans to penetrate and occupy the interior
of Cameroon.
A The hoisting of German flag in the
B The establishment of a powerful colonial
C The signing of friendship agreement with
traditional rulers
D The division of the territory into
administrative districts

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