cameroon gce A level 2024 electrical/electronic applied mechanics 2

cameroon gce A level 2024 electrical/electronic applied mechanics 2

cameroon gce A level 2024 electrical/electronic applied mechanics 2

Question 1: (10 marks)
Figure 1 below presents an electric and electronics tool called plier. It is made in two parts 1 and 2, links by a
pin 3.
1. a. Draw the free body diagram of part 4
b.State the fundamental principle of static
. Deduce the support of forces.
2. a Draw the free body diagram of part 2
. Fill the table bill of forces
. Determine analytically the forces applied at A and D.
Take FC = FB = ION.

Question 2: (10 marks)
Figure 2 below shows the guy cables AB and AC attached to the top of the transmission tower. The tension in
cable AB is 80kN
1. Determine the angles a and p.
2. Calculate the required tension T in cable AC.
3. Compute the magnitude of the resultant R

Question 3: (10 marks)
Figure 3 below presents a telephone pole weighted 1600N used to support the telephone wires. Wires Ti = 600
and T2 = 375 N.
Determine Ax, Ay and the moment M applied at the fixed end A

Question 3: (10 marks)
Figure 3 below presents a telephone pole weighted 1600N used to support the telephone wires. Wires Ti = 600
and T2 = 375 N.
Determine Ax, Ay and the moment M applied at the fixed end A

In order to raise an electric pole OC, a light frame OAB is attached to the pole and a tension of 1 KN is
developed in the hoisting cable by the power winch D at
a frequency N= 500 rev/minutes.
1. Calculate the moment M0 of the tension about the hinge at point O.
2. a State the fundamental principle of dynamics,
b. Determine the moment of inertia Jo if the electric pole is raised in 50s.
(3 marks)
(2 marks
5 marks)
Question 7:
(10 marks)
A 6.0 kg metal ball moving at 4.0m/s hits a 6.0kg ball of putty at rest and stick to it. The two go on at 2.0m/s.
1. Calculate the kinetic energy of the ball before it hits.
2. Determine the kinetic energy of the metal ball after it hits.
. Determine the kinetic energy of the putty ball after being hit.
4. Compute the energy loss by the metal ball in the collision.
5. Calculate the energy gain by the putty ball in the collision.
6. Explain what happen to the rest of the energy

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