cameroon gce intermediate level 2024 food nutrition and health 1
cameroon gce intermediate level 2024 food nutrition and health 1
Which of this type of vegetable grows in a pod?
A Com
B Asparage
C Peas
D cauliflower
Which of the following helps to maintain a constant
body temperature ?
A Vitamins
B Water
C Roughage
D Proteins
2. It Increases bulk in fcaccs.
A Cellulose
B Protein
C Fats and oils
D vitamins
Sucrose, maltose and lactose are examples of
A Monosaccharide
B Disaccharidc
C polysaccharide
D oligosaccharide
One of the following is a bulb vegetable
A Leeks
B Tomatoes
C Potatoes
D Celery
Riboflavin is vitamin
A B1
B B6
C B2
4. It is responsible for the setting of jam.
A Sugar
B Pectin
C Acid
D Water
Diets containing the right amount of all food
nutrients to fulfill requirments of the body are
A Balanced diet
B Nutrition
C Perfect diet
D Food pyrmid
5. Transfer of heat in a boiling liquid or hot air in an
oven is by ;
A Conduction
B Infra– red radiation
C Microwave radiation
D Convection
Which of the following fruit is highly acidic ?
A Pawpaw
B Bananas
C Water melon
D pineapples
6. Choose a moist method of cooking
A Roasting
B Grilling
C Boiling
D Barbecuing
15. Food borne diseases arc transmitted to people who
A Carbonated foods
B Frozen foods
C Contaminated foods
D Canned foods
7. Select a method of cooking using dry heat.
A Boiling
B Baking
C Poaching
D Simmering 16. Sharing out or divided portions of food is refered to
A Ration food
B Portion food
C Serving food
D Food sharing
Any solid or liquid nutritious substance consumed
in order to maintain life is,
A Food
B Water
C Fruit
D Vegetable
17. Substances that have been associated with chemical
food poisoning.
A Iron
B Calcium
C Lead
D phosphorus
Identify one type of first class protein.
A Beans
B Groundnuts
C Egussi