A level north west regional mock gce 2022 chemistry 2
A level north west regional mock gce 2022 chemistry 2
Question l
a. (i) Stale Iless’s law.
(ii) State the standard conditions for enthalpy measurement.
(iii) The heat of atomization of ethane and propane arc +2824 KJ/mole and +3996KJ/mole respectively.
Calculate the bond energies of C-C and C-H bonds
b. Oxidation and reduction take place simultaneously in many chemical processes,
i) Define Reduction in terms of electron transfer
c. Given the following half-cell reactions and their standard electrode potentials.
Half Cell
A) Cu2* +2e’ «-+ Cu(s)
B) Zn 2+ („q) + 2e’ Zn(S)
C) MnOTaq) + 8H+ + 5e’ <- Mn2′ (aq) + 4H20 (i)
D) Cl2 (nq) + 2e +-+2C1 (aq)
i) WriteEthe ) Fecell ^^aqdiagram ) + e’ <-> and Fe 2calculate + the cell emf of the cell formed between C and D
E /Volts
+ 0.34
– 0.76
+ 1.52
+ 1.36
(aq) + 0.77
ii) Which species above is the strongest oxidizing agent? Give a reason for your answer.
iii) Write a balanced ionic equation for the reaction taking place when electrodes C and E are connected.
iv) What indicator is used for a titration involving the reaction in ciii) above
v) stale the colour change at the end point if the species in cell C is in the burette.
vi) Why is hydrochloric acid not used for the titration?
d. i) Define Relative Atomic mass.
ii) Name the steps in order of execution in the determination of relative atomic mass using a mass
March 24, 2023
A level chemistry regional moch 2022 questions and answers