A level north west regional mock gce 2022 English Languages 2
A level north west regional mock gce 2022 English Languages 2
Choose ONE topic to write about from the list below. You are advised to write clearly and effectively, to
spell and punctuate correctly, and to ensure that your writing is appropriate in style and content to the
topic chosen. Avoid obscene language and do not reveal your identity. You should write between 500 and
550 words.
a) Write a story based on the proverb, “Uneasy lies the head that wears
b) Child labour.
c) Describe the day you carried out a crazy adventure with a group of friends and the effects it has had on
your life.
d) “Online schooling is preferable to face-to-face schooling. Do you agree?
e) Rising sexual depravity in schools is a major societal concern. What accounts for this situation and what
can be done to limit it?
f) Write a story, a description or any form of composition suggested by ONE of the following pictures. The
composition may be directly about the subject of the picture or draw its principal suggestion(s) from it.
There must be a clear link between the picture and your composition
Assoua SIMOR theophile
April 29, 2023
I need advance level past question