A level north west regional mock gce 2022 further mathematics 1

A level north west regional mock gce 2022 further mathematics 1

A level north west regional mock gce 2022 further mathematics 1

Cosh(ln2) = B. 50
3 4 5 4 C. 44
A. B. C. – D. – 100
4 5 4 3 D.
A tangent at the pole to the polar curve r = -Jl -2cos0 is 9 –
A. a 13. The force F -= (3i)N acts through the point r = (2\j)m.The
vector moment of F about a = ( k )m is:
A. – 3j-6k
B. – 6j + 3*
C. 6j- 3k
D. 3J + 6k
n n
B. C. D. £
6 4 3 2
3. If the chord
.joining the points P(«p\ 2<ip) and Q(aq”, 2aq) on the
parabolay = 4at passes through the focus, then
A. p + q = 1
B. p + q =-1
C. pq = 1
D. pq = – 1
4. The root mean square of —X in the interval 1 < X 4 is: AB.. -I 1 C. i D. ~ 1 1 3 D. -i A. B. C. 15. The order ofthe element 3 in the group ({0, 1, 2, 3}, +«), where +4 is addition modulo 4, is: A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 4 2 4 5. The inverse of 4 in modulo 7 is: A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 , L 6.The complex transformation T: z-> w, given by w = iz, represents:
A. reflection in the real axis
B. reflection in the imaginary axis
C. rotation about O through 90°clockwise
D. rotation about O through 90° anticlockwise
^7. A continuous 19randomt >variable 0 T has probability density function
{ 0 ,t < 0 The value ofk is: A. 2 B. -2 C. 4 D. -4 f x-4 >
16. The centie of symmetry of the curve / ( x ) – In
A. (1, 0)
B. (0, 1)
C. (-1, 0)
D. (0,-1)
17. The probability distribution table for a discrete random
variable Y is given below.
r y 1 2 3 4
P(Y ~ y) 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.1
The mode of Y is
A. 4
B. 2
C. 0.4
f • 20 N\ D. 0.1
.. sin x
8. iim —- –
A. 0^ x sin 2x 18. function The A. 8valueisof : [3.5]- [-5.3], where [x] is the greatest integer
B. 8.2
C. 9
D. 10
19. A particle moves in a plane such that its polar coordinates after
t seconds are given by r = r,9 = 3t.The transverse
acceleration of the particle after 2 seconds is:
A. 3
B. 6
C. 12
D. 24
20. The angle between the vectors j and j- k is:
A. 90°
B. 60°
C. 45°
D. 30°

9. The contrapositive of the statement
“Ifx + 2 = 7, then x = 5” is:
A. If x + 2 7, then x* 5
B. If x + 2* 7, then x* 5
C. If x = 5, then x + 2 = 7
D. If x* 5,then x + 2-7

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