A level north west regional mock gce 2022 geography 1

A level north west regional mock gce 2022 geography 1

A level north west regional mock gce 2022 geography 1

i .The process of heat transfer by rapid upward movement of
heated air molecules is known as,
A) Terrestrial radiation
B) Ground surface radiation
C) Convection
D) Conduction
2. Identify the prevailing or planetary winds which originate “-
from the sub tropical high pressure belt and blow polewards into
the temperate low pressure belt in the northern hemisphere.
A) The Trade Winds.
B) The South Westerlies
C) The East Polar Winds
Dl The North Westerlies.
3. Isolate from the pairs below the best combination of
atmospheric components, whose variation is responsible for
different weather conditions?
A) Nitrogen and Oxygen
B) Ozone and Oxygen
C) Water vapour and Aerosols ,
D) Water vapour and Argon
4. In Cameroon, the Adaniawa Plateau experiences which of the
following climatic types?
A) The Humid Tropical Climate
B) The Dry Tropical Climate
C) The Semi Desert Climate
P) The Sahel Climate
5. All of the following factors favour the development of heat
island in the large urban and industrial cities of temperate
latitudes, except one. Identify the exception.
A) Low clouds over the city increase counter radiation
B) Gardens and parks increase the greenhouse effect
Q Tarred and concrete surfaces retain a lot of heat.
D) Domestic, industrial and transport activities
generate more heat ‘
erosion, and
.erosion, deposition, and
transportation and
6. Which of the following hydrological elements
contribute the least amount of water to basin run off
during the dry season?
A) Through flow
B) Channel flow
C) Base flow
D) Overland flow
7. The Mezam River basin was investigated using a
topographic map and the following data was collected
from the main stream and its tributaries.
Stream Order [ 1
2 3 4
18 9 4 2
Frequency • *
The average Bifurcation Ratio for the basin is,
A) 1.33
B) 6.25
C) 2.08
D) 8.25
8. Recent floods noticed in some towns in Cameroon can
be attributed to the following reasons, except one.
Isolate the exception.
A) Deforestation
B) Height of the water table
C) Poor drainage
D) Climate change
9. Which of the following groups of forces is
responsible for the development of the major land
forms on the earth surface?
A) Tectonic forces
B) Denudational forces
C) Compressionai forces
D ) Tensional forces.

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