A level north west regional mock gce 2022 geography 3

A level north west regional mock gce 2022 geography 3

A level north west regional mock gce 2022 geography 3

2.Based on
toJlowing topics:
i) Coastal processes or land forms.
ii) Vegetation Characteristics.
iii) River Channel characteristics.
iv) Traffic flow.
v) Modern farm.
vi) Functional segregation in CBD.
a) Identify with a sketch map the area of the field work.
b) State your aim and hypothesis.
c) Identify the equipment and methods used during your investigation.
d) Show how the data was analyzed and presented.
e) i) What were your conclusions?
ii) Explain your findings.
iii) What major problem did you encounter in the field (during or in course of the data collection process?

3. Study the table below showing the population of some six villages in the North West Region of Cameroon in
thousands (000).
Population (000)
Baba Bali Njong Mankon Mbum Ntumbaw
10 210 150 90 45 350
a) Using a Pie Chart, represent the population data of the various villages, using a radius of 4cm.
b) State any two merits of using the technique in “a” above.
c) Which of the villages have the largest population? Give possible reasons for its large population,
c!) State any two indicators of overpopulation.
e) State any two measures that can be taken to redress the problem of overpopulation.
4. a) Briefly describe the differences in the characteristics of the climate in the Western Highlands and
the Northern Lowlands of Cameroon.

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