A level north west regional mock gce 2022 ICT 2
A level north west regional mock gce 2022 ICT 2
a) State three components of d*i nation systems. (3marks)
b) Differentiate between Synchron & Cornmun‘ hr0nous transmission. ^ (2marks)
cii))Describe Define the two following applications as used of^in DRMS oilowing ^^^des af data communication. S,mplex (2duplex marks)
a) Pnmary key JV1^
b) Attribute
c) Relationships.
iii) With the aid of a diagram, describe „
iv) State the function of the following networking -tar topology devices
a) Firewall b
b) Gateway
c) Modem.
and state its major limitation. (4marks)
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2. b0) aWhat ^ Listisinthe order importance the first of 4 layers implementing of the O S I n e t w o r k.s y s t e m?
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a) Establish the Boolean expression for the logic circuit above?
b) With respect to the above logic circuit, draw the truth table,
iii) a) What is GIS?
b) State three applications of GIS in your community
c) What’is the importance of using the SDLC.
$) State four models used in SDLC. _____
i) Define the following terms giving suitable examples in each case
a) Input device
b) Antivirus
c) Operating System.
ii) Cyberspace has become the most use space with ICT tools; as such the society is experiencing
crimes related to cyberspace. Describe the following cybercrimes
a) DoS
b) Cyber Terrorism
c) Phishing.
iii) State two measures each that can be used to combat the crimes in (ii) above.
iv) Carryout the following binary computation
a)) 1011 x 1101
b) 101010 / 110. :
4. i) Briefly explain what is meant by the following, giving an example for each
a) Batch processing
b) Online processing
ii) a) What is Digital Divide?
b) Describe three causes of digital Divide with respect to Communication
iii) a) Application programs are used to carry out our day- to -day task. Explain two tasks carried out
by spreadsheet and database management system (DBMS).
iij) What is a Browser? Give two examples
J>. i) a) Explain two differences in the functioning of impact printer and a non-impact printer (2marks)
b) Give two advantages of CRT over LCD
c) Explain the tenn “Backup” and list 2 medium used for backing up files,
ii) Differentiate the following _