A level south west mock gce 2022 biology 2

A level south west mock gce 2022 biology 2

A level south west mock gce 2022 biology 2

Make n lully labeled diagram of a named non-septate fungus
b) Differentiate between an Obligate and facultative parasites
(.) What are Mycorrhizae? Give at least three (3) benefits of Mycorrhizae in its
environment (8,4,5,3 marks)
2. a) Draw a well labeled diagram illustrating the synthesis and secretion of a
protein y
b) Write the overall equation for Non-Cyclic photophosphoiylation
c) Why is the overall equation of photoautotrophic nutrition considered as an
oversimplification of the process?
[10,3,7 marks)
3. Discuss the effects on the environment of
a) Over fishing
b) Disposal of nuclear wastes
c) The use of pesticides and fertilizers
(5,5,10 marks

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