Advanced level 2023 northwest regional mock English language 2
Advanced level 2023 northwest regional mock English language 2
AnswerFOUR questions
AnswerBOTH questionsin SECTION A andONEEACHfrom SECTIONSB and C in THE SAME
answer booklet,beginning each section on a new page.
Read all instructions on BOTH the question paper and the answer booklet very carefully. Failure to obey”
these instructions or to number your work as on the questionpaper will cause you to lose marks. 1
Any unusual mark,sign or unnecessary disclosure ol’your identity will be considered as an attempt to cheat
and will earn you apenalty.
In the SUMMARY question, use mainly your own words. Indiscriminate copying of portions of the passage
us your answer will earn younomarks.
A pre-preparedormemorized composition willcam you no marks.
Youari’^mindedofIhe necessityforgoodEnglishandorderlypresentation in your answers
Ebai Solantine Jacqueline aboh
January 8, 2024
Please I really want to enter this group