Advanced level 2024 CASPA mock history 2

Advanced level 2024 CASPA mock history 2

Advanced level 2024 CASPA mock history 2

SECTION A: 1800 – 1922
1. Examine the view that coastal societies in Cameroon were well organized socio-politically and
economically prior to European colonisation
2. Examine the reasons for the Fulani conquest of north Cameroon in the 19th century and their inability to
subject the forest zone under Islamic dominance
3. “Despite persistent native revolts due to varied reasons, the German colonial era in Cameroon was still
marked by rapid socio-economic progress”. Discuss
4. Analyse the stages and ramifications of the Anglo-French partition of Cameroon after the First World War
SECTION B: 1922-1961
5. How, and with what degree of success was the British colonial policy of Indirect Rule applied in Southern
Cameroon during the mandate period?
6. Examine the socio-political reasons for the widespread of native revolts against the French and why the
revolts were futile during the mandate era
7. “Despite the measures adopted by the French to contain the UPC, the party played a great role in the
political evolution of the territory towards independence” Discuss.
8. Evaluate the role played by the UNO in the 11th of February 1961 plebiscite in Southern Cameroons
and account for the defeat of the CPNC
9. Examine the political outcome of the Foumban constitutional conference of July 1961and why was the
federal system of government acclaimed?
10. Why and with what impact on West Cameroon did a political crisis occur within the KNDP party from
11. Show how multi-party politics was replaced by a single party system in Cameroon in 1966 and why it was
reintroduced in 1990?
12. Examine the socio-economic and political challenges faced by the New Deal regime since 1982

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