Advanced level 2025 South West mock Physics 2
Advanced level 2025 South West mock Physics 2
Section 1
Question 1 asks about determining the base unit of G, calculating the radius of the orbit, and then calculating the height of the satellite above the earth’s surface. It also asks to state any assumption made in the calculation. (7 marks)
Question 2 asks to state Newton’s Second Law of Motion, calculate the force the electric pole exerts to bring the bus to rest, and sketch a graph to show how the impact force varies with time during the entire collision. (6 marks)
Question 3 asks to explain what is meant by a thermometric property and to complete a table about thermometers. (6 marks)
Question 4 asks to state an advantage of a potentiometer over a voltmeter in voltage measurement, state an advantage of a voltmeter over a potentiometer, and determine the resistance of the element at 2700°C and 0°C. (6 marks)
Question 5 asks to differentiate between thermionic emission and photoelectric emission. It also asks to explain why the electroscope attached to plate P shows no change in divergence of the leaf, state and explain the change in divergence of the leaf of the electroscope attached to plate Q, and state a precaution taken during the experiment. (6 marks)
Question 6 is an either/or question.
The first option asks to define the Young’s modulus of a material and describe an experiment to measure Young’s modulus of a copper wire. (8 marks) It also asks to identify the attractive and repulsive components of force and calculate the equilibrium separation. (4 marks)
The second option asks to distinguish between a longitudinal and transverse wave and explain why there is a difference and calculate the speed of the ambulance. (4 marks)
Section 2
Question 7 involves data analysis. The question provides a table of values for pressure and volume at different Celsius temperatures for an ideal gas. (10 marks) The equation of state for an ideal gas is given. The question asks to plot a suitable graph to obtain constants, determine the values of the constants, and calculate how many gas molecules were present in the container. (8 marks)
Section 3
This section consists of optional questions. Students are instructed to answer any two questions from this section.
Option 1 is on energy resources and environmental physics. It asks to distinguish between biofuels and fossil fuels, define a biofuel digester, state factors responsible for the amount of energy generated from a wind mill, and explain why solar photovoltaic plate is a clean energy resource. (11 marks) It also asks to draw a block diagram of the major components of a hydroelectric plant and explain the role of each component. (4 marks) It also asks why energy generation from tides is not very common in most countries and to account for new observations in the environments. (5 marks)
Option 2 is on communication. It asks to differentiate between analogue and digital transmission and give three differences between them. (4 marks) It also provides a figure showing the frequency spectrum of a signal from a radio transmitter and asks what the bandwidth of the transmitted signal is. (1 mark) It also asks to draw the block diagram of a simple A.M. radio receiver. (3 marks) Finally, it says Peter is a radio listener who uses his radio to listen to news from CRTV Buea. The tuning circuit of the radio has a capacitor with a capacitance of 4.00 pF, and CRTV Buea broadcasts at a frequency of 94.5 MHz. It asks to calculate the inductance of the inductor in the circuit. (3 marks) The option ends by explaining the meaning of SIM card, cell, and handover as used in mobile phones. (3 marks)
Option 3 is on electronics. It asks to compare n-type and p-type semiconductors and describe the formation of a p-n junction. (5 marks) It also presents a simple alarm circuit diagram and asks to explain how a thermistor and an LDR could be used to make the circuit function as a burglar alarm. (4 marks) The resistance of the LDR in the position y for a given light intensity is 1 kΩ, and the question asks to explain whether the alarm in figure 3 will be on or not. (1 mark) Finally, a burglar alarm system is installed in a house with two sensors, one on the door and one on the window. The alarm will only go off if both the door and the window are opened simultaneously. The question asks to explain how this system works using an AND logic gate and why it only activates when both are triggered. (5 marks)
Option 4 is on medical physics. It asks how astigmatism affects vision, states one cause of astigmatism, and how astigmatism can be corrected. (3 marks) It explains that blood pressure is often written as a ratio A/B in mmHg and asks for the name and significance of A and B, an example of a BP reading for a healthy person, an example of a BP reading for a hypertensive person, and one precaution/control of high blood pressure. (7 marks) The option ends by asking to explain why alpha radiation from small particles of radioisotope which has been inhaled by a person is considered to be particularly dangerous while alpha radiation from an external source is considered less hazardous and to explain what quality factor means and how it affects the radiation dose equivalent which a person receives. (5 marks)