cameroon gce 2023 intermediate level Construction Processes and Building Practice 2

cameroon gce 2023 intermediate level Construction Processes and Building Practice 2

cameroon gce 2023 intermediate level Construction Processes and Building Practice 2

Excavation of trenches starts immediately after the setting out of a building and the laying of foundation concrete follow
Your project manager after a careful observation of your participation during this process of work nee s he answers
of these questions from you as a site foreman.
(2 marks)
(4 marks)
(a) Define the term “setting out”
(b) Draw a profile in setting out and indicate the following:
Width of trench
Thickness of wall
Profile board
iv) Stake
(c) State the types of mechanical equipment used for the following activities:
Site clearance
Digging pile foundations
iii) Transporting soil
(d) Sketch a strip foundation and indicate the following:
Foundation wall.
(4 marks)
(4 marks)
ii) DPC
iii) Ground level
iv) overlap
(e) sketch and state where the following foundations are used:
pile foundation
raft foundation
(6 marks)

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2 comments on “cameroon gce 2023 intermediate level Construction Processes and Building Practice 2

  • The paper is too soft or cheap for the exercise of examination. This is basically for students of form two. I took it to my form two students after the settings out lesson they gave awesome answers. If I can go further I would like that technology or processes should require more sketches from students and hard questions of form two, three,four and form five as well. For example, a question can go like" what's setting out?give and explain the triangular method that is involved.

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