cameroon gce 2023 intermediate level economic geography 1
cameroon gce 2023 intermediate level economic geography 1
Longitudes are used in calculating
A Distance
B Time
C Length
D Altitudes.
Select a forest conservation method from the
options below:
A Deforestation
B Lumbering
C Afforestation
D Logging.
& i
2. Another name for the tropical Rainforest is
A Selvas
B Tiaga
C Veldts
D Pampas
10. Major fishing grounds in the world are areas rich
A Fertilizers
B Manure
C Weeds
3. The manner in which people are spread over the D Plankton.
earth describes population
A Growth
B Density
C Distribution
D Explosion
Usingnon motorised boats, canoes, and fishing
lines to carry out fishing is known as
A Inshore fishing
B Industrial fishing
C Traditional fishing
D Off shore fishing
4. A method used in the exploitation of minerals
close to the earth’s surface is
A Deep shaft
B Open cast
C Drill
D Sub marine
Which of the agricultural activities below would
be classified under commercial agriculture
A Shifting cultivation
B Bush fallowing
C Mechanized farming
D Slash and bum.
5. The importance of minerals in the economic
development of a country is to
A Increase overcrowding
B Promote the Development of
C Encourage environmental pollution
D Increase High rate of Unemployment
Intensive cultivation of fruits, vegetables and
flowers is generally described as
A Mixed farming
B Truck fanning
C Strip cropping
D Mixed cropping.