cameroon gce 2023 intermediate level electronic systems 1
cameroon gce 2023 intermediate level electronic systems 1
Resistors with tolerance rating of ±10% belong to the
A E24 series
B E48 series
C E12 scries
D E6 series
11. The diode with reference BZX85C10 is a(n)
A Zener diode
B Signal diode
C Rectifier diode
D Photodiode
4. Resistors with larger physical size have
A lower voltage rating
B higher resistance rating
C lower power rating
D higher power rating
12. Diodes which are commonly used to protect
transistors in a transistor-relay circuit are called
A light emitting diodes
B zener diodes
C rectifier diodes
D signal diodes
A resistor with a power rating of 30 W is most
likely a(n)
A metal film type resistor
B wire wound resistor
C carbon composition resistor
D surface-mount resistor
Which of the following diodes is used to stabilize
output voltages?
A Signal diode
B Rectifier diode
C Zener diode
D Light emitting diode
Which of the following resistors has the largest
physical size?
A Wire wound resistors
B Metal film type resistors
C Carbon composition resistors
D Surface- mount resistors
When checked with an ohmmeter, a failed rectifier
diode measures
A infinite resistance
B zero resistance
c ion
Reading from left to right, the colored bands on a
resistor are orange, orange, brown and gold. If the
resistor measures 3420 with an ohmmeter, it is
A Too large for the resistor
B Out of tolerance
C Well within tolerance
D Too small for the resistor
Which of tire following capacitors are used in the
smoothening circuit of the power supply unit?
A Plastic capacitors
B Paper capacitors
C Ceramic capacitors
D Electrolytic capacitors