cameroon gce 2023 intermediate level Quality Hygiene Safety and Environment 2
cameroon gce 2023 intermediate level Quality Hygiene Safety and Environment 2
This is the professional situation of Diana, a cleaning agent, employee for 15 years
analysed in order to provide solutions which will be valid for all the employees ensuring similar wor . e a ention
of the management, and the Health, Safety Work Committee has been drawn by the number o c eamng agents
complaining of fatigue due to the arduousness of the tasks. Work stoppages for low back pain are frequent.
Diana takes care of the daily maintenance of patient rooms in the surgery department. She is very tire at t e end of
the day and feels pain in her left hip, knee joints and lower back. In addition, she has been off dutytwice this year for
She generally works alone; the schedules are imposed by the service: (6 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.). Medical checks
intervention on patients often interrupts Diana and prevents herfrom completing her work in time.
The patient is present in the room while Diana carries out her work, and this is an opportunity for her to exchange
few words.
She must first empty the patient’s individual bin. She often has to pick up the waste on the floor (paper tissues,
cottons, used nappies) and close the garbage bag. She wet sweeps, then washes the floor with a broom that is a bit
short compared to her height (1.75m), which forces her to lean forward.
It is not easy to access the entire surface of the floor due to the presence of the sick bed, the bedside table and
armchair in a confined space. She wears work clothes which are changed twice a week. She works with her bare
hands, despite the risks of contamination that exist.