cameroon gce A level 2022 building construction applied mechanics 2
cameroon gce A level 2022 building construction applied mechanics 2
Question 1
Your Village Development Association (VDA) held their annual general assembly to discuss on projects to be carried this
year to match the development of the village to modern times. The main project retained for this year was to replace the
wooden bridge linking the village to the neighbouring village with a reinforced concrete bridge. The mechanical sketch of
the beam carrying the slab of the bridge is simplified as shown below. The characteristics of the materials used for the
concrete beam (20×50) cm were as follows:
Density: 2500daN/nv Elastic limit; fe: 400Mpa
Material factor: s: 1.15
Young’s modulus : 2 x 10 Mpa
Characteristic strength fc28: 25Mpa
Material factor: Dh: 1.5
For the purpose of calculation, consider the simplified section given below and ignore the self weight of the beam.