cameroon gce A level 2022 building construction project management 1
cameroon gce A level 2022 building construction project management 1
Ownership right is
A Right to own, use and dispose off your
B Right to sell your property.
C Right to buy any of your property.
D Right to buy and sell your property.
Who initiates a project ?
A The manager.
B The architect.
C The client.
D The quantity surveyor.
Which of the documents below is not an element
of the administrative fde for a public contract ?
A Financial asset.
B Bank account number.
C Personnel and their curriculum vitae.
D National social insurance registration.
Site is
A Part of an assemble object.
B Piece of land to be used for a project .
C Place where construction is going on.
D It is land installation.
2 1 1.
Another name for a contracting authority is:
A Project coordinator.
B Project contractor.
C Project owner.
D Project supervisor.
In a CPM network a dummy activity is
represented by :
A Thick lines.
B Faint lines.
C Broken lines.
D Continuous lines.
Non productive workers are divided into:
A 3 groups.
B 2 groups.
C 4 groups.
D 7 groups.
Select one item below’ that does not influence the
use of a plant on the site
A The volume of work.
B Need to speed up work.
C Need to reduced fatigue.
D Need for competition.
In a cubic meter of concrete, gravel is batched at
SOOlitres and wastage due to transportation is
10%. What quantity of sand should be
commanded ?
A 0.800m3.
B 0.888m3.
C 0.889m3.
D 0.880m3.
What is the thickness of reinforced concrete ring
whose outer radius is 62cm and inner radius of
0 ,50m
A 1.12m.
B 0.31m.
C 0.12m.
D 0.61cm.
Another name for probation period is
A Period of unrealistic work.
B Unspecified period.
C Trial period.
D Engagement period.
Zoning means :
A Curving an area for a building.
B Issuing out land to users.
C Partitioning a piece of land for
D Council document.
A party wall is :
A Wall separating rooms
B Load bearing walls.
C Partition wall.
D Wall shared by two users.
16. Determine the time required for concreting given
that the total quantitv is 40m ‘ and the output is
A 6.14hrs.
B 6.05hrs.
C 6.04hrs.
D 6. l 0hrs.
One of the functions of site installation is
A To ease striping.
B To ease payment of w orkers.
C To ease meetings.
D To ease circulation.
Define depreciation
A Wearing out of flnnacics.
B Measure of the wearing out of tangible
fixed assets.
Measure of w ear by time.
D Measure of w ear by age.
One unproductive worker on the site is
A A Technician.
B An Engineer.
C A Foreman.
D A Manager