cameroon gce A level 2022 building construction project management 3
cameroon gce A level 2022 building construction project management 3
(Answer THREE Questions from this section )
Question 1
An Enterprise to construct a 6 lloor building can cast 26.250m3 of concrete in a day.
The company is equippedwith a fixed crane that can do 6 rotations in an hour. The duration of a working day is 8 hours.
You are requested to:
a) Determine the volume of raw materials used daily lor concrete given that loss due to mixing is 20% and reduction
due to compaction is 8%
b) Determine the minimum volume of the concrete mixer to be used for this project
c) Given that the skip bucket weighs 15ON and the density of freshly mixed concrete is 22KN/m3.
Determine the weight to be lifted by the crane during the concreting process.
d) Considering that work start at 8.00 am every day, and on the day of site meeting work stop
all1.15am; Determine:
i) The number of rotations made by the crane on a site meeting day
ii) The volume of raw concrete consumed on a site meeting day
iii) The volume of mixed concrete transported by crane on meeting day.
iv) The volume of concrete cast on a site meeting day.
Total (25 marks)
Question 2
Your company was in charge with the construction of a monument in a rural arca.The different activities arc designated with
letters as seen on the table here below‘:
June 2, 2024
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