cameroon gce A level 2024 business management 2
cameroon gce A level 2024 business management 2
JUNE 2024 | ADVANCED LEVEL Commercial specialties- ACC, MKT & TIMS Business Management 7025 2 |
Specialty Name and Acronym | |
Subject Title Subject Code No. Paper No, |
f |
Duration: Three Hours
Answer ANY FIVE Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks.
Calculators are allowed.
Formula Booklets are NOT Allowed.
You are reminded of the necessity for good English and orderly presentation in your answers.
You are advised to read carefully through the question paper, before you begin your ansyvers.
a) Management has been evolving and is still ‘evolving. With the aid of a diagram show how management
has evolved over time. b) State and explain five (5) contributions of the classical organisational theory by Henry Fayol. |
(10 marks) (10 marks) |
Total = (20 marks)
(10 marks)
(10 marks)
Total = (20 marks)
a) Why do you think most organisations used Just–In–Time management in recent time.
b) Explain five (5) characteristics of a good objective. ‘
Committees have recently become a vital aspect of group decision marking.
a) Explain three (3) types of committees.
b) Examine four (4) advantages and three disadvantages of using committees.
(6 marks)
(14 marks)
Total = (20 marks)
4. Examine the statement “Management is an Arts as well as Science”. (20 marks)
(9 marks)
(11 marks)
Total = (20 marks)
a) Explain three (3) production systems commonly used in manufacturing.
b) Explain Douglas McGregor theory X and Y as a content theory of motivation.
5 .
(10 marks)
(10 marks)
Total = (20 marks)
6. a) State and explain five (5) functions of a human resource manager.
b) Using practical examples, explain five (5) barriers to effective communication.
7. Assume that MAYA Bakery‘ which is located in Tiko has the following expected cash flows.
Year 0 1 2 3 4 5
; ••
Cash flows CFAF (000) (100) 50 40 20 60 40
(6 marks)
(6 marks)
(6 marks)
(4 marks)
Total = (20 marks)
a) Calculate the NPV (assuming a 15% cost of capital).
b) Calculate the NPV (assuming a 35% cost of capital).
c) Calculate the IRR (Internal rate of return) of the project.
d) Give two advantages of Net Present Value technique as an investment appraisal tool
Nelson kenfack
January 6, 2025
Maths technical éducation june 2023 , and engineering science