cameroon gce A level 2024 professional marketing practice 3
cameroon gce A level 2024 professional marketing practice 3
Being the sole supplier of Hydro electrical power, the management of ENEO has worries on the continuous
shortage and fall in hydroelectricity power supply. This has affected the Performance of the activities of their
enterprise and those of others who depend solely on their electric power and energy supply to faction to function.
A survey is carried out for the last quarters of 2015, 2016 and 2017 respectively. In this effect, the appendix
below puts at your disposal the changing trends for the periods. Sales are in million FCFA
This survey was carried out , with a questionnaire, The sample population was 15000 respondents selected
randomly from the population. Furthermore, the company provided dustbins and requested clients dump in their
old bills to give them further information about their research and product offered. In summary, other complaints
came in on the poor services rendered at the company premises.
Graphically represent the evolution of the monthly sales and comment.
Determine the forecasting equation using the least square method.
– Forecast sales for the four quarters of 2018 using the adjusted line equation
Explain the survey method of Dustbin checks
Outline SIX qualities of a good questionnaire
Explain the elements of the service mix and how ENEO can use them.
State and explain the type of competition practiced by ENE
Dangote cement factory located in Douala Cameroon with main control point in Nigeria where it has a warehouse.
In 2020 they envisaged to launch a new product called Cement Cole on which it wishes to give a higher quality
image. It was established that this product is first of its kind to exist and can use glass package material, carton
and plastic with conditions as shown in the table below:
State THREE functions of packaging and THREE levels of packaging
Calculate the complete unit cost of the product for each package condition Outline FOUR arguments for the choice of the glass package. |
The enterprise wishes to realise a margin of 25% on the product per package material. Calculate the |
selling price for all the materials tax exclusive |
Examine FOUR market challenger strategies that a company can use to become a market leader