cameroon gce A level June 2012 computer science 2

cameroon gce A level June 2012 computer science 2

2 A secondary school has been using several English versions of office automation software packag
which consist of a wordprocessing software and a spreadsheet software. This year, the school plan,
upgrade the office automation software packages so as to increase the use of information technology
in teaching, to improve daily communication among its staff, and students and to computerize its
students’ attendance record system.

(a) Name three additional types of software that should be included in this upgrade exercise. State
one corresponding application for each type of software.
(b) A teacher makes use of the upgraded wordprocessing software to prepare an English test
paper in school. However, he cannot open the document at home with his old version of 4
word processing software. Explain why the teacher cannot open the document and suggest ,
one method the teacher can use to avoid the problem without any additional cost.

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