cameroon gce A level June 2023 ICT 1

cameroon gce A level June 2023 ICT 1

cameroon gce A level June 2023 ICT 1

The stored program concept states that:
A data is stored in the memory.
B instruction and data are stored in the
same memory.
C programs must be stored in the hard disk.
D a computer must have hard disk and
other nodes
A file format that cannot handle text data type is
I I .
2. Unwanted mails are known as:
A spam.
B filter.
C cookies.
D mailer daemon.
An event that represents the completion of a
group of related tasks in a project is called:
A critical task.
B milestone.
C floating task.
D threshold point.
3. A company is running a new computer system 12.
alongside the manual system. This is
A piecemeal implementation.
B change over implementation.
C parallel implementation.
D double entry implementation.
The critical path is useful in project
management in that it:
A eliminates failure of a project.
B shows the tasks that must be executed.
C determines the duration of the project.
D helps to determine the exact project cost.
4. Why would a company choose to outsource the
production of its own system?
A They may not have the expertise.
B To attract sponsorship.
C To serve as publicity.
D It will receive the contribution of
5. When we play an online game we are not:
A using software as a service.
B doing cloud computing.
C outsourcing software.
D using local operating system.
A scenario in which two cars in opposite
directions on a one-way bridge and none is
ready to reverse is known in computing as:
A deadlock.
B full duplex.
C demultiplexing.
D spooling.
6. A system that is capable of being run across
different platforms is said to be:
A reliable.
B portable.
C efficient.
D resilient.
15. A major mode of operation of a virus is:
A it makes a network to be slow.
it attaches itself to a program and
executes when the program runs.
1 C it appears as a useful file.
D it multiplies and fills up memory without
harming content.
The component that encrypts details of a
network to outsiders is:
A firewall.
B domain name server.
C router.
D gateway.
16. The product 11112 x 112 is:
A 101010
B 100100
C 101101
D 110101
8. An organization responsible for establishing
standards for computing devices is:
17. In SDLC, feasibility studies is carried out in
order to:
A find out if all technical and financial
resources will be available.
B evaluate current system.
C exhibit vulnerability of current system.
D come out with the terms of reference.
9. A software with full license to use, share but not
to sell is:
A shareware.
B freeware.
C demo ware

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