cameroon gce A level June 2023 religious studies 3

cameroon gce A level June 2023 religious studies 3

cameroon gce A level June 2023 religious studies 3

Section 2.1 The Gospel According to Luke
Luke was not among the twelve apostles called by Jesus (Luke 6:12-16), but he is attributed with the
authorship of the third Gospel. Discuss.
Examine the passage of the sending out of the twelve disciples and show its relevance to the
present day society.
Assess the attitude of Jesus towards the main political and religious authorities in Palestine.
(25 marks)
(25 marks)
3. (25 marks)
With at least three miracles of Jesus, critically illustrate why these miracles could not be genuinely
accepted by all as real miracles.
(25 marks)
Analyse the parable of the Good Samaritan and bring out Jesus’ teachings on love and discipleship therein.
/ /t p
(25 marks)
6. Examine the importance of the appearance of Jesus on the road to Emmaus. (25 marks)
Section 2.2 The Fourth Gospel
7. Discuss the purpose of the Fourth Gospel and its possible audience. (25 marks)
Comment on the testimonies about Jesus Christ at the beginning of his ministry (John 1;19-51) and show
how these testimonies introduce his Christological titles.
(25 marks)
“While I am in the world, I am the light of the world” (John 9;5). Discuss this statement showing its
culmination in the theme ‘Spiritual Blindness’.
(25 marks)
10. Examine the raising of Lazarus to life by Jesus as a pre-figuration of his own resurrection. (25 marks)
1 1. Clearly bring out John’s approach to the person of Christ and his mission. . (25 marks)
Identify and explain the significance of the events that marked Jesus’ arrest, trials and crucifixion,
confirming him as the promised Saviour of the world.
v* •’ (25 marks)
Section 2.3 The Early Church as Reflected in Acts and 1 Corinthians.
13. Examine the significance of the Pentecost Event in Jerusalem. (25 marks)
How can the speeches of Peter and Paul be illustrated in the context of the early Christian message
in the Acts of the Apostles?.
(25 marks)
15. Comment on the significance of the Jerusalem Council at the dawn of Christianity. (25 marks)
“The persecution of Christians in Jerusalem was a blessing in disguise”. Examine the validity of this assertion.
(25 marks)
17. Discuss Paul’s approach to the concept of marriage in the Corinthian Church. (25 marks)
18. Examine Paul’s teaching on food offered to idols. (25 marks)

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