cameroon gce A level June 2024 biology 1

cameroon gce A level June 2024 biology 1

cameroon gce A level June 2024 biology 1

C.| and CAM plants store CO2 in the form of: 9.-
A Pyruvate.
B Glycerate phosphate.
Rubulose biphosphate.
I) Malatc.* -i
C I v
I J.
‘ I / Ml7
I hc sliding filament mechanism:
causes thick and thin filaments to slide
towards the center of the f 1-band, briiH.m„
the Z-lines closer together.
B causes thick and thin filaments to slide
towards • the center of the l-band. briimin..
, jj.M r ,ti .’!( /• , •’ :
the M-lines,closer together.
C causes”thick and thin filaments to slide
towards the center of the M-lines bringing
the Ztlines closer together.
D causes thick and thin filaments to slide
towards the center of the A-band,brin&in<>
the Z-lines closer together.
‘ 111P »
0 Which of the following refers lo a- temporary,
reversible response to a lion-directional stimulus?
A Phototropism. …
B Nastie movement.
C Thigmolropism.
D Geotropism.
• A
In what direction does an electrical signal move
through a neurone?
A Dendrite, cell body, then axon.
B Axon, dendrite, then cell body.
C Cell body, dendrite, then axon.
D Axon, cell body, then dendrite.
The animal that has a four-chambered heart is:
4. Which of the following activities would cause the
:. stomata to close?
A Low concentrations of C02 in leaf air space.
B Increased daytime light levels.
C Abscisic acid production in leaves.
D Absorption of moisture in the soil *
1 1.
5. file diploid number for an organism is six (6).
One homologous pair underwent non- .
disjunction during meiosis 1, how many
chromosomes would be present in the daughter
cells at the end of meiosis I?
A Both daughters would have three.
B One would have two and the other three.
C One would have one and the other five.
I) One would have two and the other four.
If a stimulus resulted in amplification of the
response, this would be an example of:
A Negative feedback. . . ,
B Positive,feedback.
C Homeostasis..
D Stimulation.

13. Nerve impulses: ‘
A sometimes travel in both directions along an
always travel with the same intensity along
the length of the axon,
diminish:in intensity as they travel ‘along the
axon. :
D are alwaysiproduced, no matter the intensity
of the stimulus.
Which of the following hormones would stimulate
the testes to produce androgens?
A Testosterone.
B Luteinizing hormone.
C Follicle stimulating hormone. *
D Gonadotrophin releasing hormone.
file water potential in a cell in which the solute
potential is – 0.38kPa and the pressure potential is
0.25kPa is:
A -0.63. .
B -0.13.
‘ C o. i 3:
I) 0.63.

14: • If one temporal lobe in the head is damaged, yon
would expect!’
A ’ blindness in one eye.
B • total blindness. 5 . . v
, loss of hearing in one ear.
D partiaHoss of hearing in both ears.,

In a developing seed, the stispensor:
A is formed from the cotyledons.
B transfers nutrients from the parent plant to
the embryo.
C forms a protective coat.
D develops into root and shoot meristems.
8. :
Pituitary dwarfism is caused by: 1
A hypersecretion of cortisol.
B hyposecretion of somatotrophin.
C hyposecretion of thyroid hormone.
D hyposecretion of insulin-like growth facto


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