cameroon gce A level June 2024 geography 3
cameroon gce A level June 2024 geography 3
I . Study the Map of BAMENDA AND ENVIRONS at 1 :50000 and answer the questions that follow:
a) i) Draw a diagram to show the River Mezam and its tributaries in the area east of easting 03, west of
easting 08, north of northing 07 and south of northing 10. Rank the streams using Strahler’s method ,
ii) Calculate the mean bifurcation ratio of River Mezam and its tributaries in the network sketched
out in a(i)above and state the significance of your result or answer.
b) Describe and account for the distribution of the road network east of easting 04 and south of
northing 09.
c) With map evidence only, state:
i) Three functions of Bamenda Town
ii) Three reasons why the south east of the map area has scanty settlements
d) i) Using the roads from the west of Bamenda, Bambui, Akum, Mamfe and Bafut, sketch a diagram
to show how the roads converge on Bamenda.
ii) Identify the type of transport network depicted by your diagram in d (i) above, and state its main
e) Using map evidence, state TWO likely causes of water scarcity in Bamenda Town?
f) Study the photograph below which shows a geographical phenomena and answer the questions which follow:
i) Identify and describe the problem shown on the photograph.
ii) State Two possible causes of the problem identified in (f)i)
iii) Suggest three measures that can be adopted to solve the problem identified in (f) i) above.
TOTAL = (34 marks)
a) i) Complete the blanks spaces in the table indicating percentage of male and female.
ii ) Using a population pyramid present the male and female data calculated
in percentages
iii) state one advantage and one demerit of the technique used above in a)(ii)
b) i) Calculate the dependency ratio for the population using this segmentation of the
population (youth 0-19, adults 20-59 and old 60+).
ii) Explain why the actual dependency ratio might be higher than the result obtained
iii) How may immigration influence dependency ratio.
c) Identify two problems associated with youthful population and state two measures to
overcome these problems.
TOTAL = (33 marks)
june 2024
The British
December 3, 2024
February 6, 2025
Is section C compulsory field work