cameroon gce A level June 2024 geology 2

cameroon gce A level June 2024 geology 2

cameroon gce A level June 2024 geology 2

1. (0 (3 marks)
(2 marks)
(10 marks)
(3 marks)
(7 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
What do you understand by isostasy?
Explain how isostatic adjustments occur on Earth.
(c) (i)
In a tabular form, give the essential differences between the tetragonal and trigonal crystal systems.
(8 marks)
2. (a)
Discuss the Olivine group of minerals with reference to:
Structure and composition;
Diagnostic physical properties.
Outline the differentiation processes that occur in a primary basaltic magma.
(iii) (12 marks)
(5 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
3. (a) Explain the changes that would take place when increasing temperature and pressure conditions
affect argillaceous rocks. (10 marks)
(b). Describe the different plate boundaries with respect to:
Rock types;
Seismic activities.
State five field evidences of faulting.
(iii) (10 marks)
(c) (5 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
4. (a) Give an account of the characteristics of arenaceous rocks. (12 marks)
(b) Briefly discuss the weathering processes most likely to affect rocks in the following areas:
(i) Deserts;
(ii) Tropical regions.
State the coastal sedimentary basins in Cameroon.
(10 marks)
(c) (3 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
5. Describe the evolutionary changes undergone by the septal neck, siphuncle and suture lines of
Distinguish between the following terms as used in stratigraphy.
Diachronous and marker beds;
Diastem and disconformity.
Explain the various ways by which man can reduce the effects of earthquakes.
(12 marks)
(ii) (8 marks)
(b) (5 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
6. (a) (i) Discuss the main factors that control the nature of a volcanic eruption.
Suggest how a volcanologist may predict volcanic eruptions.
(8 marks)
(ii) (5 marks)
(b) Explain the properties that make the following rocks suitable for use as building materials:
(0 Granite;
(ii) Basalt.
Distinguish between source rocks and reservoir rocks.
(6 marks)
(c) ( 6 marks)

Discuss the changes in the velocity of body waves as they are transmitted through the Earth.

(Total = 25 marks)

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One comment on “cameroon gce A level June 2024 geology 2

  • can you pls make paper 3s available cause it will be really helpful for the A/L candidates preparation

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