cameroon gce advance level June 2020 geology paper 1
cameroon gce advance level June 2020 geology paper 1
Why is granite not commonly used as an 5.
aggregate for road construction?
A It has a high compressive strength
B It is coarse grained
C It is expensive to quarry
D It has a low compressive strength
Use the diagram below (figure l )vvhich shows
the approximate mineral composition of
igneous rocks to answer questions 2, 3 and 4.
A Shallow marine
B Deep marine
C Desert
D Lagoonal
From the jumbled list of rocks below, select
themost likely sequence to show the
formation of a gneiss from a granite:
A Granite– Slate– Gneiss
B Granite– Gravel – Slate–Schist –
C Granite– Gravel– Clay – Gneiss
D Granite – Clay– Slate– Schist – Gneiss
Figure 1
Name the two plagioclase minerals that
would occur in A and in C respectively
A Anorthite and Albite
B Albite and Labradorite
C Oligoclase and Andesite
D Anorthite and Andesite
Use the information presented below to
answer questions 8 and 9.
> Specimen K reacts with dilute HCI and forms
cleavage rhombs.
> Specimen L is pink in colour, has a hardness
of 6 and cleaves in 2 directions at 90°
Identify specimens K and L respectively:
A Limestone and Orthoclase
B Calcite and Orthoclase
C Marble and Orthoclase
D Calcite and Albite
Which mineral has the lowest density?
A Quartz
B Orthoclase
C Biotite
D Hornblende
3. 8.
The most easily weathered mineral would be:
A Olivine
B Augite
C Hornblende
D Plagioclase
4. 9. What type of twinning is exhibited by specimen
A Repeated twinning
B Carlsbad twinning
C Butterfly twinning
Figure 2 is a field sketch which a student did not have D Geniculate twinning
time to label completely. U