cameroon gce advance level June 2020 religious studies 3

cameroon gce advance level June 2020 religious studies 3

cameroon gce advance level June 2020 religious studies 3

Give reasons for the call of Jacob as a Patriarch? 2. J ” (b) > t
(4 marks)
(21 marks)
(25 marks)
What was the Sinai Covenant?
(b) | How central was this covenant for the Israelites?
3. (a)

Critically examine the reasons for grumbling among the Israelites as they wandered through the
wilderness in the Exodus story.
4 .
(25 marks)
5. To what extent can Saul not be held responsible for his failures as king in Israel?
(25 marks)
6. David built his successes as king on the failures of Saul’. Assess the validity of this statement. (25 marks)
Section 5.3 Islam
(5 marks)
(20 marks)
What is Al-Qur’an?
How unique is the Qur’an in Islam?
7. (a)
(4 marks)
(1 mark)
(20 marks)
Identify four archangels in Islam.
Which archangel is associated with revelation?
Why do Muslims believe in Archangels?
8. (a)

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