cameroon gce advance level June 2021 maths with statistics paper 3

cameroon gce advance level June 2021 maths with statistics paper 3

cameroon gce advance level June 2021 maths with statistics paper 3

. Two Find events A and B arc such that P ( A) = P(B) = ^ and P(A/ B) =
(a) P(A n B),
(b) P(A U B),
(c) P(B/A’).
State, with reasons, whether A and B are
(d) mutually exclusive,
(e) independent,
(0 collectively exhaustive.
.( 2, 2 , 3 , 2, 2, 2 marks)
2. Some express bus services occasionally experience delays in their departure or arrival time. Over a period of
twelve weeks, the delays, in minutes lor a particular bus service were recorded in a grouped frequency
distribution shown below.

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