cameroon gce advanced level June 2022 geography 3

cameroon gce advanced level June 2022 geography 3

cameroon gce advanced level June 2022 geography 3

1 . Study the map extract of BAKAKA and its Environs at 1 :50.000 provided and answei the questions
that follow
Briefly describe the drainage characteristics of the map area. ~
b) i) Using map evidence only, briefly state the difficulties posed by relief in the eve 0Pmen °
ii) Propose strategics that can be adopted to overcome the problems identified in ) i) a °ve.
c) Using evidence from the map, identify and state TWO reasons why the northern part o e
map is ideal for the location of a hospital . 7 * ‘
d) You have been consulted to determine the level of transport network development in tie area.
i ) Draw a topological diagram of the road network. Use the following settlements as no es.
Quarlier 8, Manjo Etam, Manengole I, Manengole II, Manengole 3, Nkong Niny I, Nkong my ,
Ebonc I , Ebone 2, Ekang Loe and *Ekomto.
ii) Using the beta index, determine the level of transport network development
iii) Propose measures that can be adopted to improve the transport network of the

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