cameroon gce intermediate level mechanical drawing 1

cameroon gce intermediate level mechanical drawing 1

cameroon gce intermediate level mechanical drawing 1

The type of lines at the beginning and at the
end of a dimension line is called

A Phantom lines
B Cutting plane lines
C Break lines
D Extension line


2. In technical drawing, when a visible edge
coincide with a hidden edge, which line is used?


A Hidden line
B Center line
C Visible line
D Phantom line


3. The figure below shows drawing pencils.
Give the name of the material that projects at the
tip and produces marks on the paper when they
are being used.


A Copper
B Graphite
C Plastics
D Carbon


4. A combination of the three drawing instruments
is used to drawing vertical lines on a drawing


A T-square, pencil and set square
B T-square, ruler and pencil
C T-square, ruler and protractor
D T-square, compass and ruler

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