cameroon gce intermediate level natural science 2
cameroon gce intermediate level natural science 2
1) (a) Give the functions of the under mentioned organs in the reproductive system of mammals
i) Uterus (2marks)
ii) Placenta (2marks)
iii) Testes (2marks)
iv) Cowper’s gland. (2marks)
(b) Differentiate between identical and fraternal twins. (c) List FIVE female reproductive hormones. (d) List TWO contraceptive methods in males and TWO contraceptive methods in females. |
(3marks) (5 marks) (4 marks) |
Total (20 marks)
2) (a) Define the term DIGESTION (2 marks)
(b) Make a large labelled diagram of the human digestive system (9 marks)
(c) How is the ileum adapted to carry out its functions? (5 marks)
(d) Give FOUR types of teeth in mammals. (4 marks)
Total (20 marks)
3) (a) What do you understand by the term double circulation ? (4 marks)
(b) Draw a large labelled diagram of the human heart. (4 marks)
(c) Give FOUR functions of blood. (4 marks)
(d) Give TWO differences between arteries and veins. (4 marks)
(e) State TWO conditions necessary for effective blood transfusion. (2 marks)
Bache miriam
November 6, 2023
Thank you, I'm greatful