cameroon gce intermediate level 2024 electronic circuits 1
cameroon gce intermediate level 2024 electronic circuits 1
The super–position theorem is applicable to
circuits with
A both current and voltage sources
B current sources only
C voltage sources only
D current, voltage and power sources
/V I f
Figure 2 =F 5uF –T— 4uF–T– 2uF
A 6pF
B 3pF
C 8gF
D 7pF
2. An ideal voltage source has
A terminal voltage proportion to current
B terminal voltage in proportion to load
C zero internal resistance
D open circuit voltage nearly equal to the
voltage on full load
In an R–L series circuit,VR =4V and VL = 3V.The
magnitude of the supply voltage is
A 6V
B 10V
D 5V
If four Resistors of 4kfl each are connected in
parallel, calculate the total resistance
A 4kQ
B lkQ
C 8kQ
D 16kfi
The value of an alternating current at a particular
instant is called the
A maximum value
B peak value
C instantaneous value
D rms value
4. Supposing a dc voltage source of 24V is
supplying a a load of 3.3KD, what is the load
current ?
A 0.7A
B 138A
C 138mA
D 7.3mA
In a.c. circuits, the a.c. meters measure
A Mean square value
B Average value
C Maximum value
D Effective value
If a current has instantaneous expression
i(t) = 14.14sin (cot +n/6)A, its maximum value is
A 10A
B 14.14A
C 20A
D 1.96A
If in the circuit of figure 3 the threshold voltage
of the LED is 2V, the diode current is
0.1 k ,
1 2V ; :^L E D
The parameters of the circuit in figure l are I] =
, l2 = 8A, I4 = 6A, and I5 = 9A. Apply
Kirchhoffs current law to calculate the value of
the unknown current I3.
Figure 3
A 100mA
B l OmA
C 12mA
D 5mA
i5 The power dissipated by the LED of the circuit in
figure 3 is
A 20mW
B 200mW
C 24mW
D lOmW
I3 Figure l 12.
A 2A
B 15A
C 13A
D 9A
What is the ripple frequency at the output of a full
wave rectifier if the frequency of the input signal
is 50Hz?
A 150Hz
B 200Hz
C 50Hz
D 100Hz