cameroon gce intermediate level ict 2
cameroon gce intermediate level ict 2
A. i Name this type of network ii. Identify the device “A” in the diagram iii. State the hardware that must be present on each workstation to allow communication with A The laptop has Wifi and is connected to the file Server through “B”. iv. Identify the device labelled “B” in the diagram |
(2 mark) (2 mark) (2 mark) |
(2 mark) |
v. What disadvantage does the laptop have in this network if there is no internet connection in the file server
(2 marks)
b. Malware are a risk to data stored on a computer.
i. State two malware that can affect the computer (2 marks)
ii. How can computers be prevented from malware? (2 marks)
c. Some students connect on the network to commit some computer crimes
i. What is a computer crime (2 mark)
ii. List 4 types of computer crimes (4 marks)
20 Marks
March 22, 2022
Very good but we need also correction
Seri Anjah
March 28, 2022
The pdf is not loading
October 15, 2024
I am telling you we need corrections