Cameroon GCE A/L June 2015 HISTORY paper 2


SECTION A: 1800 – 1922

  1. Discuss the effects of population movement in Cameroon in the 19th
  2. What challenges confronted the early missionaries in their evangelization mission along the coast of Cameroon before 1884?
  3. How beneficial was the establishment of German plantations to the indigenous population of Cameroon between 1890 and 1914?
  4. Examine the factors that militated in favor and against Allied victory in the First World War in Cameroon.

SECTION B: 1922 – 1961

  1. Why and with what consequences did some ethnic groups revolt against French rule in Cameroon during the Mandate era?
  2. Examine the contributions of Native Authorities in the sociopolitical and economic development of British Southern Cameroons during the Mandate period.
  3. To what extend did the May 1955 uprising influence the ban on the UPC?
  4. Account for the formation of the KNDP in 1955 and its victory in the 1959 elections in Southern Cameroons.


  1. Trace the circumstances leading to the Foumban Conference of 1961 and explain why the Federal Constitution was adopted by the negotiating parties.
  2. Why was Ahmadou Ahiidjo able to emerge as the most popular politician in East Cameroon between 1960 and 1966?
  3. What measures were adopted by the Biya regime to redress the economic crisis that affected Cameroon in the late 1980s and 1990s?
  4. Why has it been difficult for Cameroon’s opposition parties to rise to power since 1990?

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