Cameroon GCE O/L June 2006 Economics paper 2


1      (a) What is the supply of labour in an economy?

(b) State and explain four factors that determine the supply of labour in an economy.

2      (a) (i) Define the term Monopoly power.

(ii) Explain any three sources of Monopoly power

(b) State and explain any THREE advantages and THREE disadvantages of Monopoly.

3      (a) How do commercial Banks create credit?

(b) Examine any FOUR factors which limit their ability to create credit.

4       (a) Explain any four reasons why it essential for a country to measure her National Income

(b) Explain any problems often encountered in the calculations of National Income.

5       (a) What is a tax? Explain giving examples.

(b) Mention and explain four reasons why the Cameroon government should impose taxes.

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