cameroon gce O level June 2023 human biology 2

cameroon gce O level June 2023 human biology 2

cameroon gce O level June 2023 human biology 2

Answer THREE questions from this Section
1. (a) Define the following terms giving an example in each case:
(i) Cell (ii) Tissue. (3, 3 marks)
(b) Describe the structure of the following muscular tissues;
(i) Skeletal muscle (ii) Smooth muscle (iii) Cardiac muscle. (3, 3, 3 marks)
(c) In tabular form, distinguish between mitosis and meiosis. (5 marks)
Total= (20 marks)
2. (a) Define the following terms:
(i) Ligament (ii) Tendon. (2, 2 marks)
(b) Draw and label the hip joint. (5 marks)
(c) Give six functions of the human skeleton. (6 marks)
(d) State five factors that influence healthy bones and muscles development in humans. (5 marks)
Total= (20 marks)
3. (a) Draw and label the transverse section of the human ear. (8 marks)
(b) List two ear defects in humans and state a cause for each • (4 marks)
(c) Describe the sequence of events that occur in the body when someone accidentally touches a hot iron (8 marks) Total = (20 marks)
4. (a) What are the characteristics of a good respiratory surface? (4 marks)
(b) Describe the mechanism of gaseous exchange in humans. (12 marks)
(c) State four differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. (4 marks)
Total= (20 marks)
5. (a) Draw a large and neatly labelled diagram of the male gamete (sperm cell) (6 marks)
(b) State four female secondary sexual characteristics. (4 marks)
(c) Define the following terms as used in genetics, giving an example in each case;
(i) Genotype (ii) Phenotype. (2, 2 marks)
(d) A woman whose blood group was 0 married a man with blood group B.
(i) Explain using appropriate genetic symbols and diagrams, how it is possible for the couple to have a child with blood group 0.
(ii) What is the probability or chance of their first child being blood group B? (5 , 1 marks)
Total = (20 marks)

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