cameroon gce O level June 2024 computer science 1

cameroon gce O level June 2024 computer science 1

cameroon gce O level June 2024 computer science 1

are used to interpret IITML code. 9.
A Browsers
B Compilers
C Interpreters
D Assemblers
The spreadsheet cell ranges A 1- E5 has
number of cells.
A 25
B 30
C 5
D 15
Arranging storage units from smallest to
largest capacity:
A Terabyte, Kilobyte, Byte, Bit
B Kilobyte, Terabyte, Byte, Bit
C Bit, Byte, Kilobyte, Terabyte
D Byte, Bit, Kilobyte, Terabyte
The result of the binary subtraction
101012 -11112 is:
A 1100
B 01 10
C 1000
D 1010
At Tinasoft Cybercafe, all computers are
connected to a computer in the control room.
This type of network architecture is known as:
A Peer-to-peer
B Proxy-server
C Client-server
D Peer-to-server
1 1.
4. The control structure that enables the
computer to repeat processes is called:
A Sequence
B Iteration
C Repeater
D Choice
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic
of a good Algorithm?
A Precise
C Takes finite time
D Logical flow
5. A validation method to ensure that data has
been received correctly is the
A Format
C Automatic
D Parity
13. Given the web address
Which portion is the domain name?
A https
C homepage.html
D wwvv
Signals from a transmission station are being
faintly received by a user. A
to boost it.
A Modem
B Repeater
C Gate way
D Router
is needed
14. Technology now enables users to send images
over telephone lines using a:
A Telegram
B Fax
C Telex
DBMS is an example of D Fixed phone
A System
B Application
C Operating system
D Utility
7. software.
A malware that looks legitimate and it is
hidden within another program is a:
A Virus
B Worm
C Trojan horse
D Bomb

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